The Scotsman

Black Friday’s saving grace


In little more than four years, the Black Friday-tocyber Monday weekend has become the biggest display of consumeris­m in Britain.

The aggressive sales tactics of global corporatio­ns have led to scuffles breaking out in some stores, such is the desperatio­n to own products that would otherwise be unaffordab­le. The violence itself has acted as a marketing tool; after all, if people are prepared to fight for them, surely the bargains must be amazing?

In reality, many shops use eyecatchin­g price reductions as loss leaders to get people in the door or on to the website where other products with more modest reductions lie in wait. It is the epitome of commercial sharp practice that now occurs virtually all year round, with various “special” days designed to help us spend out money. Religious festivals like Christmas and Easter have been co-opted while shops have sought to increase spending associated with events like Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day and Halloween. If Black Friday has one saving grace, it is that it comes just before Christmas, perhaps helping people to afford a celebratio­n that can put the poorest among us in debt for weeks.

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