The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Cassandra Nye


21 Mar - 20 Apr In the excitement of this special week, you may feel the need for some quiet time alone. Your inner voice is trying to give you a message.


21Apr-20may An enjoyable and even exciting week when you are likely to be far too generous. When it comes to organising, let others do their bit.


21May-20jun A natural flair for romance shows itself right now. You are reminded that, when the will is there, success can follow.


21Jun-22jul The importance to you of your relationsh­ips becomes clear during the festivitie­s. Try not to rush ahead with New Year plans this week.


23 Jul - 22 Aug Step into the limelight this week and show off those many talents. You are fun to be with and probably in great demand.


23 Aug - 21 Sep Someone who is giving you this warm fuzzy feeling should be encouraged. Why not give them a special treat in the New Year?


22Sep-22oct Make the very best of the time that you do have with loved ones. Avoid letting negative things happen by chance. Stay sharp.


23 Oct - 21 Nov Loving your home comforts and friends, this week can see you in your element. The extra efforts you have made are really appreciate­d.


22Nov-21dec You are curious and your imaginatio­n seems to be running ahead of you. Fun, perhaps, but keep an eye on the facts.


22Dec-20jan Enjoy this week as a time when you come closer to others and find out what makes them tick. Plans for the New Year are shaping up nicely.


21 Jan - 18 Feb In a creative week, you will make memories that will last and sustain you in the future. Someone’s smile makes you melt.


19Feb-20mar Don’t give in to the feeling that you should always be ‘doing’ something. Kick back, relax and enjoy just being with others. n

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