The Scotsman

Aid pledged as Tunisia is gripped by fresh unrest


Tunisian authoritie­s have announced plans to boost aid to the needy in a bid to placate protesters whose demonstrat­ions over price hikes has degenerate­d into days of unrest across the North African nation.

A coalition of political parties and associatio­ns called for peaceful protests on yesterday’s seven-year anniversar­y since Tunisia’s long-time autocratic ruler was driven into exile.

A new finance law raising prices of essential goods initially sparked the unrest.

The Tunisian economy has struggled since President Zine el-abidine Ben Ali fled into exile on 14 January 2011.

Six government­s later, loans continue to weigh on the economy, extremist attacks have sapped the important tourism sector and regions far from the capital, where the revolution was ignited, remain neglected.

Prime Minister Youssef Chahed has decided to allocate about £29 million to help 200,000 of the neediest families and fund free health care for the jobless.

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