The Scotsman





7. Disinclina­tion to illness (13) 8. Member of an old Jewish sect points to new parish (8) 9. Final object used by shoemakers (4) 10. Rearrange the poster quickly for the musicians (6) 12. Lets us break up a fight (6) 14. Prisoner at home with a friend (6) 16. See about a man in the American chamber (6) 18. Look for a lord (4) 20. Said to be quoting an

instance of seeing (8) 22. Are they obtained in the

crow's nest? (5-3,5)


1. Like a fugitive during the race? (2,3,3) 2. Remits a new order for joints (6) 3. Work in a shop, usually (4) 4. Seat boss made from fireproof material (8) 5. Follows stems (6) 6. Assumes the dress of professors (4) 11. Foreman in charge of prophet (8) 13. Does it appear in the obituary column? (4,4) 15. Wear away a piece of ribbon, say (6) 17. Being a fool a twin is confused by it (6) 19. Send out when sentence is up (4) 21. Great joy from an old type of song (4)

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