The Scotsman

Boris the bold?


Boris Johnson’s speech highlights the fact that the Brexiteers have problems. Why else would they feel obliged to appeal for unity? Perhaps he’s trying to tell his own side something they did not know, that they are liberals who just want free trade and fewer regulation­s.

Pity the British aerospace, pharmaceut­icals, nuclear, and engineerin­g industries have no wish to reduce regulation­s. Nor do they see a hard Brexit as a great liberal free trade achievemen­t.

And our trade union movement now trusts the EC more than the Tories. Despite the pretentiou­s claim that the Brexiteers are going to be a unifying force, the truth is that the 48 per cent who opposed Brexit will vote in the next election for politician­s who represent their views. Conservati­ve and Labour leaders need to take that fact into account.

ANDREW VASS Corbiehill Place, Edinburgh

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