The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Cassandra Nye


21 Mar - 20 Apr Rather than be influenced by what others are saying or doing, listen to your instincts. Not everything is clear but you do need a plan.


21Apr-20may Keep life simple and avoid those who would be negative. You may not be able to choose your relatives, but you can choose your friends.


21May-20jun This is a week in which others are very giving and generous to you. In an emotional and practical way, you will seek to give something back.


21Jun-22jul This should be a time of plain sailing, with just enough wind in your sails for a smooth ride. Enjoy some leisure time and treat yourself.


23 Jul - 22 Aug It is time to use your efforts and talents to progress. Forget trying to do everything for others, focus on your own needs and wants for a change.


23 Aug - 21 Sep It’s hard to get answers at the moment. Frustratin­g as it is, no one is trying to hide. Remember that there is a time and place for everything.


22Sep-22oct Are you feeling dizzy at times? Is there just too much going on? Tackle one thing at a time, and don’t try to be everything to everyone.


23 Oct - 21 Nov Wanting adventure is all very well, but you need to pick the right time. This week needs more inward thinking than outward action.


22Nov-21dec A lack of energy can easily be changed, so get out and get active. The weather may not be great but there is plenty of sunshine in your heart.


22Dec-20jan Are you having a change in luck? It certainly seems that way. Perhaps your new confident attitude has something to do with it?


21 Jan - 18 Feb Seeing things fall into place this week gives your confidence a great boost. Maybe you feel it is too good to be true, but don’t dwell on it.


19Feb-20mar People can be changeable, like the weather at this time of year. Try not to overreact when faced with a puzzling conversati­on. n

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