The Scotsman

Mundell backs Brexit letter MPS

- By PARIS GOURTSOYAN­NIS paris.gourtsoyan­

Scottish Secretary David Mundell has defended his fellow Scots MPS over a letter calling on Theresa May to push ahead with a hard Brexit, in an apparent breach with policy set out by Ruth Davidson.

Four of the 12 backbench Scottish Conservati­ve MPS supported the letter sent to Downing Street by the probrexit European Research Group, which demanded that the UK have full regulatory freedom from the EU as of Brexit day.

Mr Mundell said: “I don’t characteri­se debate and discussion as a split. What’s happening is that we’re going through a process at the moment where the UK government position is being determined, and it’s perfectly legitimate for people to express their views as that process unfolds. That’s what the job of backbench MPS is, it’s to have views and opinions and to express them.

Mr Mundell was also asked about the publicatio­n of leaked UK government analysis showing that every available Brexit scenario would harm Scotland’s economy.

The Scottish Secretary told a committee of MSPS in November that “there is not a Scottish specific analysis” on Brexit. “In relation to the very specific questions that I’ve been asked, I’ve given a factual answer,” he said.

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