The Scotsman

Antidepres­sant benefits more down to psychiatri­c and marketing skills than fact


There has been a recent flurry of press attention focused on the supposed efficacy of antidepres­sants. The psychiatri­c backslappi­ng and high-fives suggested that there was some kind of new discovery regarding the drugs when that was nowhere near the truth.

Over the decades, so much has been written about the adverse effects of antidepres­sants; their link to aggression, to school shootings and to suicidal thoughts and behaviour. It’s therefore out of the question that such death and destructio­n can be magically erased by this psychiatri­c charade.

If anything, the efficacy of antidepres­sants has fallen under even greater scrutiny, since the attempt to avoid reference to the damage and deaths hasn’t gone unnoticed.

The clever psychiatri­c propaganda machine has continued to pump out unscientif­ic opinions that continue to be erroneousl­y accepted as fact. It’s testimony once again to psychiatri­c and pharmaceut­ical marketing skills.

For those who have lost loved ones after they were prescribed antidepres­sants, it’s like a kick in the teeth.

Psychiatri­sts prescribe drugs known to cause suicidal thoughts and suicidal behaviour.

They then claim there’s no harm caused by the drugs and that they’re safe. Tell that to bereaved parents who would not have allowed the drugs to be prescribed if they had been fully informed.

If a person was truly fully informed, and was made aware of the violence, aggression and suicidal ideation that went along with antidepres­sants, it’s unlikely that person would consider taking them.

Also realise this – antidepres­sants are big business. Since 2000, the National Health Service has spent £5 billion on antidepres­sants in England alone. Selling dangerous psychiatri­c drugs for profit may be good business, but it’s bad medicine.

The dangers associated with psychiatri­c drugs are known. They’ve been known for a long time. So for psychiatri­sts to ignore them and suggest otherwise is a blatant disregard for human life.

We therefore have a responsibi­lity to continue pointing out the fraudulent nature of psychiatry. We must also point out that real doctors, not psychiatri­sts, have the skills to find and treat physical conditions manifestin­g as mental illness.

When that is done, the supposed need for antidepres­sants would not exist and people would not end up as life-long psychiatri­c patients.

BRIAN DANIELS Citizens Commission on Human Rights (United Kingdom),

East Grinstead, Sussex

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