The Scotsman

In deep water


David Davis and Michel Barnier have announced the agreement of a post-brexit transition period. The deal provoked anger from the UK fishing industry, which will be subject to EU quotas throughout the 21-month transition period without British representa­tion in setting quotas. Nicola Sturgeon tweeted that the Tories had sold out Scottish fishermen.

I have to say that I don’t think much of this at all. Fishing industry chiefs should be invited to Downing Street for talks, the same as car manufactur­ers were. It may only be for 21 months but there should be British representa­tion in setting quotas. More facts needed.


Since the referendum, the Government have made at least seven major promises about the transition period. Today’s draft agreement shows these promises have all now been broken, and that all the transition does is move us from being a rule maker to a rule taker.


Rees-mogg, Bone, Cash, Redwood et al must be apoplectic. The UK becomes a vassal state in a year according to them. The EU tells them the rules and they accept them.


Well, well, the Unionists have been found out, a power grab simply to deny Scotland any form of self determinat­ion. This Unionist government believes it does not matter who they give any powers too, as long as it is not Scotland.


What the hell is Sturgeon harping on about, “a sellout to Scottish fishermen”? Her plan to KEEP them in the EU, or after Brexit to reverse them somehow back into it, is the sellout. Those nasty North-easterners have already given her party, and in particular Salmond, the big heave-ho.

Sky Go

Nicola Sturgeon once again tying herself in knots over Brexit. It’s almost beyond satire that she’s denouncing something that she actually wants!

Sue Royle

Children being encouraged to read at school, isn’t that what school is supposed to do anyway!

Francis Ferguson

Reading is a bit overrated in today’s modern Scotland.

Gary Young

Does she choose the books they get to read?

Arch Stainton

It is boys who are furthest behind in reading skills for a number of reasons. I hope she is including them in this challenge, and not doing what she does best and focus only on girls.

Auld Reekie

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