The Scotsman

Kit and caboodle


Apollo 21 Pilot Trawler owners and skippers seem to believe that once the UK leaves the CFP that they are going to have carte blanche to return to overfishin­g and undeclared “black fish” landings? It ain’t going to happen.

Hog_weed I’m sure these Tories can be prosecuted for willful pollution of the Thames.

Finn Mccolgan I can understand why people are angry, but I still think bringing back fishing rights in 21 months’ time has to be better than never bringing them back at all.

Old clothes and porridge What a waste of fish, perhaps if Reesmogg and Farage had thrown themselves in it would have been better...

Luckie Muckleback­it As a non-tory, I thought she did brilliant in raising both awareness and much-needed funds for cancer.

Richard Stewart Asking people to donate to charity while her scum party are screwing the ill and poor.


Barry Black She’s better at cakes than politics. I’m not very trustworth­y of our government when it comes to ‘evidence’ to say the least! My mistrust goes back to the last Gulf war, where Blair and his cronies were saying WMDS were being readied for attacks on UK bases, and FAKE pics were all over the media in order to justify the killing of around 1 million people during and after we invaded!

John Meantime, May’s allies seem to have had second thoughts on taking anti-russian measures. The lion’s roar has turned to a mouse squeak across the UK and Europe.

trenchchat Still waiting for actual PROOF. It kind of helps if you have the latter before rushing to judgement. For some reason the UK Government hasn’t handed samples to Russia, ten days after blaming Russia and implying any doubter is a traitor. One thing’s for sure, the Tory government’s been milking this for all its worth – as well as Russian oligarchs, of course.

Gordon Hastie If they are not happy then let them close the consulate and go back to Russia. We won’t miss them!

Esox Hunter Why are there not demos outside the embassy? If it had been America... They should be given away free as an apology for past 20 years.

Toup If you believe it is not worth £103 then don’t buy it. If enough people are like minded the price will drop. I personally can find better things to spend £103 on than a football strip.

City Loon Some people have more money than sense... and not just those who play the game..

Localnumbe­rfife I wouldn’t pay £1.03 for it. However, anything has got to be better than the hideous pink outfit.

Tony Walker Seems standard price for a top these days. Scandalous considerin­g they probably cost pennies to make.

Canyonero Wouldn’t be too bad if it was stylish and a decent colour so you could get a few nights oot in it as well, but that yellie job on a Saturday night, most places wouldnae let you in.

Just Sayin’ Like Any chance the kit will be made in Scotland?

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