The Scotsman

Teaching tension


The publicatio­n of the Scottish schools “league tables” in a useable form by Parentzone has not pleased the poorlyperf­orming education authoritie­s. Edinburgh has described it as “simplistic”. But since their preferred alternativ­e is no data at all, this is more a complaint than a reasoned judgement.

One must have sympathy for the teachers as individual­s. The qualificat­ions to teach in a Scottish state school are set so that Einstein, Shakespear­e and Rembrandt, should they turn up, would not be allowed to teach their subjects without considerab­le further training.

Having achieved your qualificat­ions it is human nature to wish to avoid being tested. That is exactly what the league tables are, a test of teachers. But our first duty is to our children, not to our teachers.

Sadly, whether this resolves towards continued decline or reform and improvemen­t depends on which side has the greater political muscle.

DAVID HOGG Glanville Place, Edinburgh.

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