The Scotsman

Lennon backs football mental health project


Neil Lennon has helped launch a new football mental health project to encourage middle-aged men to open up.

The Hibernian head coach, who has previously spoken out about his own struggles with depression, kicked off The Changing Room initiative at Easter Road.

The two-year pilot project from mental health charity SAMH, the Scottish Profession­al Football League Trust and Hibs is aimed at encouragin­g men aged 30-62 to talk about their mental health.

Official figures show men in Scotland are two and a half times more likely to take their own life than women.

It is the first mental health schemeinsc­otlandtobe­funded by global men’s health char- 0 Neil Lennon and Hibs are supporting the project ity Movember Foundation. Lennon said: “It’s a great opportunit­y to promote positive mental health and wellbeing and I’d encourage men to get involved in this programme.”

The first group taking part will meet at Easter Road once a week for 12 weeks for conversati­ons about mental health.

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