The Scotsman




6. Accommodat­e for three months (7) 7. Animal that's good in a row (5) 9. Like a quiet snake (3) 10. Possibly thin gloom produced at night (9) 12. It carries evidence of spending (8,3) 15. Change clothes in a car? (7,4) 17. Begs grown-up for farm produce (5,4) 19. Run away to sea (3) 21. Out of condition and unsuitable (5) 22. Charitable donation to a worker on strike (7)


1. Person entertaine­d by achieving some league status (5) 2. Are returning for a long time (3) 3. Male character giving thegirl love (4) 4. Generous manner in letting cars go (6,3) 5. Somehow adhered to a girl (7) 8. Some friend in gaol reaches a conclusion (6) 11. He makes sure that people vote for a party (5,4) 13. Crayon to staple up (6) 14. Sense that it takes place in court (7) 16. Concerning a seaman not at home (5) 18. Aim to get out of gaol (4) 20. Not even strange (3)

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