The Scotsman

A fair solution?


Allan Sutherland gives a different take on the Institute for Public Policy Research suggestion that we should sell RBS and give £10,000 to every 25-year-old (Letters, 7 April). His suggestion was to use it to reduce house prices.

I then remembered, back in the 1990s, an article about the huge amounts of money in most Scottish councils’ emergency funds; some dreadful people argued that we should divide this money among those who paid their council tax, or whatever it was called then.

This suggestion was branded as non-inclusive, and the claim was made that it should be paid to every one regardless of whether they’d paid council tax or not.

So I had a brainwave – why not give it pro rata to those who paid all their income tax, National Insurance contributi­ons etc from the day they started work until now. That surely is the fairest solution.

I have a strange feeling that this obvious solution will be attacked, mocked and vilified. Oh well, you can’t please everybody

IAN J MURRAY Broomhall Loan, Edinburgh

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