The Scotsman

Gas and gaiters?


You report (21 April) on a group of leading churchmen calling for more robust and realistic UK and Scottish government­al restrictio­ns on greenhouse gases output to help prevent adverse climate changes so as to offset any climate problems affecting the world’s poorest people.

Their pleas discount the import of simple proportion­s, since the UK’S CO2 output of less than 2 per cent of the global total (and Scotland’s of less than 1 per cent) are trivial, even if prediction­s about the causal role of rising CO2 levels are realistica­lly correct.

Do they want us to set a “good” example to other nations, despite the great disparitie­s in national agreement with the policies of non-compliance by biggest emitters China, the US and India?

If so, we would needlessly tend to impoverish ourselves in aid of only token Greenery to no-one’s benefit.

It is high time that such misunderst­andings were recognised: these churchmen and our politician­s framing tougher regulation­s are perhaps trying to fool us – and themselves – for no real benefit by discountin­g the relevant proportion­s of national emissions. (DR) CHARLES WARDROP Viewlands Road West, Perth

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