The Scotsman

Bed attacks


Edinburgh’s longestrun­ning heritage watchdog wants a blanket ban on new hotels opening up in the heart of the city to help tackle concerns it is being over-run by tourists.

Fully support the idea of a ban. Keep the city healthy, affordable and easy to access.

Roger Leslie Paige

Fewer hotels, more houses,

Emma Brown

Even if anyone listens, it’s shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.


Long, long overdue. If history has told us anything it is that Edinburghe­rs have been terrible custodians of their own city. Central Edinburgh is hellish during the summer months. There are far too many visitors cramped into such a small city. Edinburgh wasn’t designed to have so many people in it during the summer months. This is due to the number of hotels in central Edinburgh which is making the city a soulless, shell. Most Edinburghe­rs I know avoid central Edinburgh like the plague during July and August. The city doesn’t function during the summer season. There should be no new hotels in central Edinburgh – the brownfield site out at Edinburgh Park train station needs to be earmarked for all

future hotel developmen­t.


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