The Scotsman



Under a new plan that has been proposed by Holyrood ministers, Scottish voting rights would be extended to all resident EU and non-eu adults, including refugees, and those seeking asylum. Tabled on Wednesday, the plan would be a UK first if it goes ahead. @scottmason­25 said: “2 for 1 pizza, sugar tax, decline in the North Sea, time to bow your head and walk away Nicola”. @donnellymo­1943 asked: “Are you rounding up more voters for another indy?” @Kiradiju said: “I assume they are no longer refugees but citizens of Scotland with no plans to return home. So they are immigrants who have earned citizenshi­p. Sounds appropriat­e”. @Riktelf said: “If you vote for independen­ce you should expect to accept much more freedom of movement of people and that would include more refugees & even more so if The SNP sign up to The EU Club, which they want to do”.

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