The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Cassandra Nye


21 Mar - 20 Apr You may have to speak your mind on a matter, but don’t make it personal. Being flexible now can solve a long-running dispute.


21Apr-20may Plan something special for the weekend when there is a spring in your step. Communicat­ing your emotions brings a resolution.


21May-20jun Some routine jobs are frustratin­g but necessary. However, the weekend can be just up your street if you give it a little extra thought.


21Jun-22jul Look around for people who will understand your feelings and give you support. You don’t feel in the mood for compromise right now.


23 Jul - 22 Aug This should be a pretty laidback week. Energy may not be high, even so your head is buzzing with ideas and exciting plans.


23 Aug - 21 Sep A slow and dull start to the week soon opens up with some invitation­s. These may be from either work or friends but all have promise.


22Sep-22oct Keep a keen eye on finances and especially your security. An offer that just seems too good? Approach it carefully!


23 Oct - 21 Nov Midweek, energy levels may be low, so pace yourself. However, don’t let this affect the weekend. You should certainly have perked up by then.


22Nov-21dec Speaking out this week could rid you of a big emotional burden. You may not want to think of it like that but being honest can set you free.


22Dec-20jan A fast start to the week means being quite busy at work. As things slow down, however, retreat into the arms of a loved one and relax.


21 Jan - 18 Feb Bright ideas start this week. Financial ones may benefit from a little thought and a week or two of delay. Stay positive at work.


19Feb-20mar Maybe you would like to move faster on a new project. This can be frustratin­g. Tie up any loose ends that could stop progress later in the day.

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