The Scotsman




Two police officers were in hospital yesterday after they were believed to have been stabbed while dealing with a call-out in Greenock. Police said the incident was not terror related.

@Andygibson­tv posted: “My thoughts are with the @Policescot­land officers in #Greenock at this awful time.”

@Carronmunr­o stressed: “When your home town is trending on Twitter and you see it’s because 2 police officers have been stabbed. I really hope the two officers involved are OK.”

@Clairemeal­comms said: “Fantastic TV interview by Assistant Chief Constable Higgins on Greenock stabbings. Textbook. Great eye contact, caring and full of confidence. Well done.”


Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has been forced out of office by a no-confidence vote in parliament. Socialist leader Pedro Sánchez, who filed the motion after Mr Rajoy’s party was implicated in a corruption scandal, will become prime minister.

@Thorstenbr tweeted: “I remain sceptical, but let’s hope that the ouster of Rajoy means a better future for Catalonia and the Catalan fight for self-determinat­ion.”

@Vaughan_wms stated: “The corrupt government of Rajoy has fallen. Irony is that the Catalan MPS ousted him. He will go down as the worst democratic­ally elected leader of Spain.”

@robmcd85 added: “Great to report that Rajoy has been given his marching orders. Here’s to a better future for Catalans, away from his icy grip!”


German police warned residents of Lünebach to stay indoors after two lions, two tigers, a jaguar and a bear escaped from their enclosures. Flooding helped the animals escape at Eifel Zoo.

@charles_hawley posted: “Not much going on in Lünebach today. Just that a bear, two tigers, two lions and a jaguar have all escaped from the zoo.”

@jonvdijk88 joked: “Did not expect the live-action Madagascar movie that fast!”

@poppet2909 exclaimed: “Please please DO NOT KILL the escaped big cats .... ”

@RMGLUCK201­7 added: “Who’s to blame for the catastroph­e at Eifel Zoo. Me, I’m looking at the Prairie Dogs…”

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