The Scotsman

Army dreamers


“Sturgeon has indicated she will decide on the timing of a second vote when the terms of Brexit become clear and she is expected to update supporters in her keynote speech on Saturday.” How many times does it need said – this is NOT her decision to make.

Bung SNP business managers hope that conference glosses over the Growth report, when in reality they will be fighting like ferrets in a sack.

Ayrshire Dad Having been forced to admit that they have been lying about Scotland’s position for a decade and more hardly forms a good basis for a new independen­ce campaign.

Di Antwoord Governance is such a difficult job, and to do it correctly we need politician­s that will dedicate every moment of their time to delivering the correct governance. The SNP need to govern Scotland, and drop the independen­ce movement. If they ditched independen­ce in favour of “Scotland first”, they would begin to deliver the goods and people would begin to see them as a solution.

Med1aone Nicola Sturgeon in 2015: “I get asked often these days – will there be another independen­ce referendum and, if so, when? My answer is simple. It will be if and when the Scottish people decide – and not a moment before.” I am not seeing a growing clamouring in the streets for independen­ce!

Happier Bus Traveller The Scottish people are sovereign and we won’t be told what we can and can’t

do by some jumped-up unionists.

Boyd Heales The Scottish people are indeed sovereign and said “naff off to Indy”. We expect to be listened to.

Paul Holyrood

HM Forces (is that the bit they don’t like?) have been recruiting youngsters like this for years. My 14-yearold nephew has joined the Royal Marine Cadets after a similar visit and is loving it. He is bright but his leaning towards academia was never strong, now he has what he considers an achievable goal and non-stop action while he learns. Between that and the school rugby team he is as happy as a sandboy.

Bea.sutherland With so many college places sacrificed to pay for free university education for foreign students, the Armed Forces are one of the few employers left able to offer “proper” apprentice­ships to the more vocational­ly minded these days.

Norton Lux If these left-wing muppets got their way there would be no army at all.

Auld Reekie Having served in the education department of the Armed Forces I can assure you that young lads and lassies can enter the services with poor education but are encouraged to get their certificat­es as well as learning highly technical skills. They end up as assured, grown men and women capable of jobs that many civilians only dream of. These politician­s need to live in the real world and see for themselves how valuable our Armed Forces are.

Jomydo Let’s shut off another avenue of employment to our kids. Sheer genius thinking.

Scotspat The MSPS are seriously underestim­ating Scotland’s kids if they think a visit from the Armed Forces can influence them in any way they don’t want to be. Would MSPS stop a visit by doctors and nurses? Stop patronisin­g the kids and get on with doing something constructi­ve.

Dweller55 Can visits by politician­s to schools be banned?

Alexi Slamondski If MSPS are concerned about the recruitmen­t of those with limited options I suggest they work harder at giving them better options rather than taking at face value the concerns of avowedly pacifist organisati­ons. The Armed Services do not want reluctant recruits, those of school age cannot join the Armed Services without parental consent, and can easily leave if it does not suit.

Ian Tully Do they actually realise the scope of careers that can be found in the Armed Forces. The support side far outweighs the fighting side.


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