The Scotsman

Another reason to moan


Those who enjoy - if that’s not too strong a word bus travel in Scotland will know that some of our roads are so badly pot-holed that driving on them is a most uncomforta­ble experience, regardless of the size of the vehicle in which one is sitting.

Those who dare to live more than a stone’s throw from a motorway have to navigate back roads and sidestreet­s so pock-marked and crumbling that regularly paying for repairs to wrecked suspension systems is par-for-the-course for some Scots.

It is a very good job, indeed, that we Scots enjoy moaning so much. When the weather is neither too cold and wet to bear comment nor too hot for us to bemoan the lack of rain, then the state of our road system makes the perfect substitute topic of complaint.

But perhaps the days when we could complain about potholes are coming to an end. Plans are afoot to introduce robot drones which will quickly identify and fill potholes, ensuring safer roads all round.

We’ll believe it when we see it. And, if we see it, we’ll enjoy complainin­g about the damned racket the things make.

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