The Scotsman

Pollen plans

Chiara Fiorillo reveals some handy tips for keeping sneezes, sniffles and watery eyes at bay


Tackle hay fever, plus Ellie Goulding’s workout regime

It’s estimated that 40 per cent of the population suffer from hay fever, and even with closed windows, pollen can find its way indoors and prevent people from going about their day-to-day life. The main triggers of hay fever are tree pollen, grass pollen, weed pollen and fungal spores, with grass pollen being the most common; it affects up to 90 per cent of those who are unlucky enough to experience hay fever.

Allergic rhinitis is usually treated with anti-histamines, such as Cetirizine and Loratadine. However, there are some other nonpharmac­eutical remedies that could help you feel better. Here are just a few you can try next time you get that itchy nasal feeling...

Give your house a good vacuum

Need an excuse for a spring clean? “Vacuuming is one of the best things you can do to reduce pollen particles indoors,” says Sara Alsen, communicat­ions director from Blueair. “Make sure your vacuum cleaner is fitted with a good filter that doesn’t re-release the pollen particles back into the air.”

She recommends buying one that uses a bag, as they’re the best at trapping dust. “Also look for one with a high-efficiency particulat­e air (HEPA) filter to remove at least 99.97 per cent of ultra-small particles that can cause health problems,” she adds.

Use a wet cloth to clean surfaces and floors

Just like dust, pollen can land on surfaces and floors and remain there, unseen to the naked eye. “Instead of cleaning with a feather duster, make sure you clean all surfaces with a damp cloth or microfibre mop, which can remove smaller particles better, and ensure that you’re not just spreading them around your home,” says Alsen.

Leave shoes and clothing by the door

To make sure you don’t end the day with an unwelcome dose of pollen, shed your coat, shoes and clothing as you enter your home. “Pollen clings to your clothing, as well as shoes and hair,” says Alsen, “so use a mat to wipe off your shoes or, even better – leave them by the door.”

Shower and wash your hair after having been outside

“During the summer months, we carry a lot of pollen into the home with us, so it’s a good idea to shower and wash your hair when you’ve been outside, as the particles can easily be brought indoors,” says Alsen.

Use room air purifiers

Polluted air from outside can add to indoor pollutants that irritate our sinuses, including cigarette smoke, scented candles and stain removers. “Air purifiers remain the most efficient way to remove these airborne pollutants,” says Alsen. She recommends investing in one that uses HEPA silent technology, such as the Blueair Classic 480i (£599, breathings­, which can remove 99 per cent of all pollen in a room within 20 minutes.

Use in-car air purifiers

While pollen tends to spend most of its time outside, it can be hard to keep it out of your car, too. “The air inside the car can be up to 15 times more polluted than on the road outside,” says Alsen, who adds: “A good airpurifie­r can remove the pollen inside your car in four to six minutes.”

Check the pollen count

Most cities in the UK provide pollen maps, such as the Pollen Forecast published by the Met Office ( “Mornings and breezy days are usually the worst,” says Alsen, “but this can vary from one region to another.”

Use a face mask when outdoors

“Face masks are rare in the UK, but can be an effective way of filtering out pollen from the air you breathe,” says Alsen.

Try red light therapy

Getting a good night’s sleep during the summer months could be as easy as trying a ‘nose probe’ for three minutes before bed. Lloydsphar­macy have an Allergy Reliever (£14.99, reduced from £19.99, lloydsphar­ that is inserted into the nostrils to help provide relief. It works by using photothera­py of two different wavelength­s. One wavelength promotes increased blood flow and circulatio­n, while the second wavelength (red light therapy) suppresses the cells that release histamine and reduces inflammati­on, thereby relieving the irritating symptoms.

Use Vaseline

“Some people find that putting a smear inside each of your nostrils can ease soreness and stop pollen in its tracks,” says Anshu Bhimbat, a pharmacist from Lloydsphar­macy. n

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 ??  ?? Clockwise from main: hay fever can cause misery; if the pollen count is very high, consider wearing a face mask; vacuuming can reduce pollen particles
Clockwise from main: hay fever can cause misery; if the pollen count is very high, consider wearing a face mask; vacuuming can reduce pollen particles
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