The Scotsman

Gender agenda


Children from the age of five could be taught in school that they should “decide” their gender. Teachers across Scotland would tell children it’s up to them to decide if they are a boy a girl or if they “don’t like to decide that” from as early as primary one under draft guidelines created by Education Scotland, NHS boards and the Scottish Government.

At that age I was sure I was a velocirapt­or. Goodness knows what would have happened if I had they tried this back then.

JP Austin

I was Indiana Jones right up to about seven or eight.

Steve Macdonald

When my daughter was little she was adamant she was going to be a microwave when she grew up because she liked the noise it made when it pinged.

Ami Wilkinson Most five-year olds can barely tie their shoelaces or write their own name let alone decide what gender whey want to be. What is wrong with these people?

Theresa Kemp

How dare they tell my child something that I abhorrentl­y object to? Who the hell gives them the right to confuse my child. This is beyond a joke! There is a lot to be said for home schooling!

Susan Crawford

Because apparently parents don’t know best.

Claire Bear

Parents don’t always know best. Some abuse their kids or disown them or teach them to hate others based on their parents’ old-fashioned and prejudiced views. God help your children and you if one of them turns out to be trans.

Paul Cumming

So true. These are the parents that would throw their kids out on the street.

Christina Mcgowan

The next thing will be when a baby is born it will be it’s a baby – not boy or girl. Maybe I need to get my boy some dresses until he can decide what he wants to be.

Jane Gregg Why shouldn’t a boy wear dresses if he wants without having to think he’s a girl? If society wasn’t so hung up on stereotype­s, there’d be a lot less reason for little children to think they need to change gender.

Lynda Croft

Teach children reading writing arithmetic, science and history – leave the rest for the parents to decide!

Gilly Shaw

Before the age of eight kids don’t understand the concept

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