The Scotsman

Lanark Texel sales hit 125,000gn


Trade rose by more than £700 on the year, but for 89 fewer sold, at the Scottish National Show and Sale of Texel rams at Lanark, where prices peaked at 125,000gns.

Confidence in breeders’ sheep remained strong, but there was a noticeable lack of commercial trade, noted Lawrie & Symington auctioneer, Brian Ross.

“With the lamb trade being back, commercial men are just not willing to spend the money right now, and that was reflected in the sale. However, there were definitely more top- end lambs to choose from, compared to recent years, and that is evident in the number of lambs making five figures – 20 in all.”

Competitio­n was strong, with trade soaring to sixfigures on one occasion, when Welsh breeder, Myfyr Evans’ aptly named Rhaeadr Best Of The Best, was knocked down at 125,000gns to Hugh and Alan Blackwood for their Auldhouseb­urn flock in Muirkirk.

The Blackwoods were able to recoup money, however, when their own lambs later sold up to 75,000gns, with others at 28,000gns and 11,000gns. Dearest of the pen was Auldhouseb­urn Boss, which sold to the Campbells at Cowal.

Selling at 40,000gns was the pre-sale champion, Haddo Balvenie, from the Knox family, Mid Haddo, Fyvie. Overall champion at the Royal Highland Show back in June, he sold in a three-way split to John Elliot, Roxburgh Mains, Kelso; Ken Hodge, Green Arch, and Mike and Melanie Alford, Foxhill, Devon.

Robert Bennett’s Plasucha pen from Powys, was one of the last consignmen­ts in the ring, but that didn’t deter buyers, with Charlie Boden going to 32,000gns to secure Plasucha Big Gun.

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