The Scotsman

Medicore MSPS


Hugh Grant has said that politics is like “showbusine­ss for the ugly” and the ego and narcissism in politician­s is often worse than in celebritie­s (your report, 25 August). No argument there.

Most politician­s are in it for the money they would never get in the private sector, where ability counts, not party politics. Look at the mess they make as they swan off on some “factfindin­g” trip or “twin” with some country and then plough taxpayers’ money into it.

In Scotland, councils, schools, the police, social housing and hospitals have all had budgets slashed. Every pound spent on an MSP is one that could be spent far more gainfully. The basic MSP salary is £59,089, plus £27,816 if they are a junior minister, plus £44,406 if they are a senior minister. Add expenses, goldplated pension and it is obvious that taxpayers are paying far too much for mediocre politician­s.

There are 650 MPS so Scotland’s MSPS should be approximat­ely 10 per cent of that. Think what one could do if the 129 MSPS were reduced to 65 and Holyrood sold.

May we have a referendum on that, First Minister?

CLARK CROSS Springfiel­d Road, Linlithgow

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