The Scotsman

Israel builds ‘massive’ wall along its border


Israel is building a massive wall along its northern border, saying the barrier is needed to protect civilians from Hezbollah attacks, but the project has raised tensions with Lebanon, which fears the fence will encroach on its territory.

The Israeli military insists the entire barrier is being constructe­d in Israeli territory, and the UN peacekeepi­ng force agrees.

Hezbollah has never fully accepted the border, and a senior Israeli military official stressed the need for the wall, saying that while Israeli intelligen­ce closely monitors the militant group, “we are prepared for the possibilit­y that they will surprise us.”

Israel’s military conducted a large-scale drill this week simulating a future conflict with Hezbollah, who it fought in a monthlong war in 2006.

Israelis fear there could be a renewal of hostilitie­s as the civil war winds down in neighbouri­ng Syria, where the Iran-backed militant group has been fighting alongside President Bashar Assad’s forces.

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