The Scotsman



1. In which sport are there styles known as snatch and clean and jerk?

2. Which British novelist wrote The Woman in White and The Moonstone?

3. Which famous battle in June 1815 ended the Napoleonic Wars?

4. Which Nahuatl-speaking people ruled an empire in Mexico before their defeat by Hernàn Cortés in the 16th century?

5. On which river does the city of Cologne stand?

6. What name was given to the military alliance between the Soviet Union and other East European states signed in 1955?

7. Which British poet, painter and engraver wrote Jerusalem and Songs of Innocence?

8. By what name is the striped big cat Panthera tigris known?

9. Which of the Apostles refused to believe in the resurrecti­on until he had seen and touched Christ?

10. What was the popular name for Mussolini's Fasci di Combattime­nto?

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