The Scotsman

Gutting Sturgeon


Pax Vobiscum

Labour have never been a credible party. They have bankrupted the country every time they gained power since the Second World War. They do nothing for the workers, except take taxes to subsidise the scroungers. They are also untrustwor­thy where security is concerned.

Archie Grimm

“No foreign court shall have jurisdicti­on in this country.” For that one sentence alone Meanwhile, Theresa May attacked Nicola Sturgeon over the First Minister’s approach to Scotland’s fishing industry postbrexit, accusing her of “betraying” Scotland by wanting to “to lock Scottish fishermen into the


Most Scots would agree that Sturgeon is the only party leader that actually stands up for Scotland. Which is no bad thing given the utter chaos being caused by the Tories...

Finn Mccolgan

Do you speak for most Scots?

QA Man

Apparently not going by the 2014 referendum & the last general election.


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