The Scotsman

It’s indyref2 time


The time is right for a second independen­ce referendum, argued Kenny Macaskill.

So just exactly how is this second referendum going to come about? Are members of the SNP going to kidnap Theresa May and browbeat her into signing the order for another referendum? Or are they going to go ahead and hold one anyway and ignore any No votes? And are they prepared for the civil unrest that might follow if No voters start getting shirty about their 2014 verdict being kicked into touch?

World wide football fan

It will be about independen­ce for Scotland. The people of Scotland will decide whether and when there is to be a second Referendum.

Pax Vobiscum

I think we all know where this one leads, particular­ly in the light of the SNP’S long and well-known track record in misreprese­nting facts, which is just one of manifold reasons we have this thing called central government which, as the name suggests, runs the country, and it will decide. Thanks for your interest, but NO Thanks.

Icemodalit­y We can have calls but nothing will happen until the Scottish people have been consulted through an election. After all, we keep hearing the people will decide.

Enough is Enough

The understand­ing outside the Unionist bubble is that support is higher for indy than it’s ever been, Brexit will be calamity, UK Gov are inept. Scotland will be sold down the road and England cares not a jot for the “precious Union”.

Henry Hooper

The bubble is the few thousand who staggered through Edinburgh the other weekend. No is the majority.

Edmund North

Major difference between

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