The Scotsman

Budget is a gamble and ‘no bonanza’ IFS warns

● Think tanks claim Chancellor is putting UK at greater risk from a Brexit shock, and say tax cuts will mainly help wealthy


A respected economic think tank has described Philip Hammond’s Budget as a “gamble” and no “bonanza”.

The Institute of Ficscal Studies (IFS) said the Chancellor “painted himself into a corner” by using a windfall from revised borrowing forecasts to fund increased spending on the NHS, and said tax rises were “all but inevitable” to pay for the pressure from an ageing population.

The IFS warned the UK faces higher borrowing and debt if brexit deals a shock to the economy.

IFS director Paul Johnson said hope of meeting a target to eliminate the deficit by the mid-2020s was “for the birds” and added austerity was “not yet” over.

The UK faces higher borrowing and debt if Brexit deals a shock to the economy, a respected economic think tank has warned, describing Philip Hammond’s giveaway Budget as a “gamble”.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said the Chancellor “painted himself into a corner” by using a windfall from revised borrowing forecasts to fund increased spending on the NHS, and said tax rises were “all but inevitable” to pay for the pressure from an ageing population.

IFS director Paul Johnson said any hope of meeting a target to eliminate the deficit by the mid-2020s was “for the birds”.

And despite the Budget’s boost for the health service in England of £20.5 billion higher spending by 2023-24, Mr Johnson said austerity had “not yet” come to an end, because of the continued squeeze on other areas.

“This is no bonanza,” Mr Johnson said. “Cuts are not about to be reversed.

“If I were a prison governor, a local authority chief executive or a headteache­r I would struggle to find much to celebrate. I would be preparing for more difficult years ahead.”

The IFS and Resolution Foundation think tanks both said rises in income tax thresholds would benefit the wealthy more than those less well-off, with a typical higher rate taxpayer gaining £176 a year and a basic rate payer gaining just £24.

Mr Johnson said there would be “millions of losers” from the introducti­on of Universal Credit, despite an injection of around £2bn per year to ease the transition to the controvers­ial new benefit.

And IFS research economist Ben Zaranko added that with £4bn of welfare cuts still planned, “the end of austerity is not in sight in that area”.

Thesnp’swestminst­ereconomy spokeswoma­n Kirsty Blackman said the warnings showed why the government must “ditch their reckless plans for an extreme Brexit, which would cause decades of damage to the economy, jobs and living standards”.

She said: “People have suffered enough under years of Tory austerity cuts, and these warnings from the IFS underline exactly what’s at stake in the event of a devastatin­g hard or no-deal Brexit.”

Theresa May denied suggestion­s that the £100bn giveaway including tax cuts for 32 million workers was preparing the ground for a snap election.“no,” she told journalist­s in Oslo. “We are not preparing for another general election. That would not be in the national interest.”

Mr Hammond also insisted there was no early election on the way, replying when asked if the government was preparing for a snap vote: “I hope not.”

The Chancellor denied he had “abandoned fiscal rectitude” but claimed a good Brexit deal could trigger more tax cuts and further boosts to public spending.

John Mcdonnell, his Labour opposite number, used his response to the Budget in the Commons to claim the Prime Minister had “dashed the hopes” of millions of workers her claim that austerity was over. “At best, they got what the Chancellor described as ‘little extras’,” the shadow Chancellor said, referring to extra educations­pendingwor­th£10,000 per primary and £50,000 per secondary school.

“No wonder there are so many teachers, police officers, local councillor­s who feel bitterly disappoint­ed at the Prime Minister’s broken promise.”

But Mr Mcdonnell faced a backlash of his own after saying Labour would support the government’s tax cuts for the middle class. The shadow Chancellor said public sector workers like head teachers had a “rough time” in recent years and deserved a tax cut.

But critics within Labour said the move was wrong while there are “people dying on British streets” from the impact of benefits cuts.

The cuts were criticised as “tax cuts for the rich” by shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry on Monday.

Andy Burnham, mayor of Greater Manchester, said when he heard that the party “would be backing Philip Hammond’s tax cuts for the richest” it sent a “shiver down my spine”. In an article for The Times, he wrote: “I honestly can’t see how Labour’s position will hold. It is not just that the distributi­on is so unfair.”

Former work and pensions secretary Yvette Cooper tweeted: “People on £90-100k a year will get tax cut worth £860 in April, those on £125k will get £600 – far more than low-paid workers, at a time when child poverty is going up, benefits are being cut, vital council services are being cut, police are badly overstretc­hed. This is wrong.”

Six council areas see emergency aid bids increase by at least 40 per cent

ore Scots are being forced to ask for emergency aid to help with the cost of feeding their families and heating their homes, with six council areas across the country seeing applicatio­ns for crisis grants rise by 30 per cent or more.

Since the Scottish Welfare Fund was set up by ministers in 2013, more than £173 million has been handed out to those in need to help with the cost of essential items.

A total of 306,305 low income households have been helped by this cash

Katrine Bussey

over the years. In April to June 2018 alone, £8.2m in grants were awarded – 2 per cent more than the same period in 2017.

Of that, £2.3m went on crisis grants which are given to help those on a low income deal with an emergency situation.

Across Scotland the number of hard-up households applying for this form of help increased by 7 per cent between April to June 2017 and the same period in 2018.

Social security secretary Shirley-anne Somerville said she was “dismayed that so many people find themselves in the position of needing to access emergency help”. In East Renfrewshi­re applicatio­ns were 52 per cent higher, with five other authoritie­s reocrding rises of 30 per cent or more – Clackmanna­nshire (40 per cent), Edinburgh (33 per cent) the Western Isles (50 per cent) Fife (44 per cent) and South Ayrshire (30 per cent).

Those in need received grants totalling almost £1.4m to help with the cost of food in April to June 2018, 7 per cent higher than was spent on this in the same period of 2017.

Meanwhile grants to help with the cost of heating rose by 12 per cent to over

£450,000 and awards for help with the cost of nappies, toiletries and other household products were up 27 per cent, with these amounting to more than £37,000.

As well as the £2.3m spent on crisis grants in April to June, community care grants totalling more than £5.8m were awarded – with these being used to help families facing exceptiona­l pressures with the cost of purchasing one-off items such as a cooker or washing machine.

More than a tenth (11 per cent) of those applying for a crisis grant in April to June needed to help because of a delay in benefit payments.

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Prime Minister Theresa May was in Oslo yesterday to address the Nordic Council interparli­amentary group for countries bordering the Nordic region
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