The Scotsman

Time to grow up


It’s daggers drawn at Edinburgh City Council, apparently. SNP convener of the housing and economy committee, Cllr Kate Campbell, and her Labour deputy, Cllr Lezley Cameron, are said to be no longer on speaking terms. Just the kind of politics we don’t need, whichever party or parties is or are involved. Some people need to grow up and remember that they are elected to serve everybody, not just their own party cronies.

Alasdair Gordon So the whole city suffers cause two adults can’t act like grown ups here. No winners here.

David Lee The fact is that the Labour Party cannot accept that they no longer run Edinburgh and are now the junior party in a coalition. That is why there is so much dissent in the ranks.

american bob We pay them to do a job, they don’t pay us. Personal problems should not come intoit–growup!

Nancy Anderson

Ladies, you are low-rent minor councillor­s, you have zero control over anything important. Andrew Kerr runs the city. He decides what happens and what doesn’t happen. City councillor­s are irrelevant. You can’t even keep the streets clean or get the bins picked up on time.

Alan Inverarity

Don’t worry, Cammy and Adam will sort everything out.

Tim Wight

Annnnnd... this is why women are not taken seriously in the workplace in senior positions – if they’re not doing their job, which involves communicat­ing with each other, they should both be removed from post

Maureen Douglas

Paid to do a job which includes communicat­ion, don’t have to like each other and if claiming a wage then do the job

Norry Colquhoun

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