The Scotsman

Visa blunder


businesses don’t like competitio­n. What we need are more tartan tat, fast food, and charity shops. Rip-off open air themed markets are good, too.

Will Sylvander

The Dean Village?

infamous clarity

Sometimes Lothian Rd seems to be like WWI after about 10pm on a Friday night. Sirens, police cars, ambulances, drunks rolling about on the pavements and vomiting everywhere. Maybe if the police spent more time warning licencees that they could lose their licence for serving drunks, and be charged for allowing it, there would less work for the police and ambulance services.


Sorry to break this to you. Lothian Road at 10pm on a Friday would never come anywhere near to the atrocities, pain and suffering that occurred in WW1.

veni, vidi, vici

Strange how overprovis­ioning of alcohol is not applied to the council chambers or Holyrood. Maybe it’s OK for our elected elites to swalley away for free or at the taxpayers’ expense but for everybody else it’s the wagging finger of the socialist nanny state.

Another Voice

Thou shalt not ....

Auldcynic A Greenock grandfathe­r’s dreams of spending Christmas in New York are in tatters after he accidental­ly branded himself a terrorist on a visa form. Only a looney nation such as the US ruled over by an imbecile would have a series of questions that actually ask people to admit they are a terrorist.

Gustav I am surprised that the form didn’t have multiple choice questions asking about his weapons preference­s and tactics.

Stuart Cowan

Surely this couple’s MP can sort this stupid decision out in time for the trip to go ahead. If it had been a couple from another country there would be all manner of assistance being offered.

John Flunder

Could have been worse... he could have selected Mexican.


If you apply on the official site then there is a reviewing option available.

Auldreeky I’ve got a lot of sympathy for this guy. Those ESTA forms are a nightmare.

disco inferno

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