The Scotsman

Coward’s way out


Mike Langan

It’s great if you want student digs or a hotel room – there are plenty of those.

Grant James Gilmore

Unless you like driving a car.

Biały Niedźwiedź Odminik

The words “to visit” say it all. No mention of actually living there with no summers, harsh, cold, rainy, windy winters and radio stations blasting out the Proclaimer­s all day.

Brendan Stuart

Anything to generate more tourism. The only thing that matters about Edinburgh is growth of everything except homelessne­ss and housing waiting lists.

Jake Fraser Every native in Edinburgh complains about the tourists. On the one hand it’s “hey! We’re the best city to visit! Awesome!”. On the other hand it’s “we have too many people visiting and Airbnb has taken over, we need to levy a tourism tax to keep people away.”

Tyler Douglas Lowe Nicola Sturgeon branded Theresa May’s decision to postpone the Brexit vote in parliament “an act of pathetic cowardice”.

Kicking a dog when it’s down is easy. Offering inspiring alternativ­e leadership is not so easy, it would seem. The SNP are coming across as lacking in so many department­s of thoughtful leadership and that begs the question, come independen­ce, has the SNP really got the intelligen­ce and most importantl­y, the wisdom to lead a country?

Mark Flett

Who says the SNP would lead an independen­t Scotland? There would be a whole new political landscape.

Stuart Campbell

The SNP have consistent­ly over the last two years put a coherent policy forward and been completely ignored by May and her motley crew of complete chancers. Sturgeon has stood up for Scotland, which voted to remain. I suspect it would be by a greater margin if we voted now.

Don Blackie For the first time in my life – takes a deep breath – I totally agree! Although this is purely Sturgeon getting upset because she wants a people’s vote, ie second referendum so she can get another shot at her life’s ambition.

John Laidlaw To begin with I had a certain amount of sympathy towards Theresa May. After this it is obvious she has a sheer contempt for Scotland. When she was told on several occasions that Scotland voted to Remain her answer was it would not be democratic to have another vote. However, that did not stop her calling another election.

Beverley Gill couldn’t make this stuff up.

Michael Stimson

And replace them with what? The big T for Tennents? Or maybe a bad joke from Paddy Power? Or maybe some clothing range modelled by a stick-thin model? Get a grip, if people are going to buy junk food they are going to do it, regardless of an unrealisti­c picture of a burger and chips on a bus stop. Oh and it’s not the poor little porky kids who buy this – their parents do.

Alex Williams

Advertise local businesses and things that may serve a community benefit. It’s time to put a stop to big businesses having control of everything.

Alex Feld

The advertisin­g will still go to the highest bidder, which won’t be the local businesses.

Alex Nicol

Another ludicrous council step. Why don’t they stop closing playing fields and invest in real leisure facilities that folks can afford?

Jim Taylor

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