The Scotsman

Bus users with free pass are happier


Bus users who benefit from free travel are more likely to be satisfied with their journeys than people who have to pay, new research has found.

Satisfacti­on levels with bus services varied from 84 per cent to 93 per cent for fare paying passengers, compared to 92 per cent to 98 per cent for those with a free bus pass.

The findings were part of a survey of almost 8,000 bus users across Scotland. Results showed an overall 91 per cent of Scots were happy with their last bus trip compared to 88 per cent in England.

Commuters were less happy than other passengers, with satisfacti­on ratings amongst those making daily trips to work or study ranging from 80 per cent to 93 per cent, compared to 92 per cent to 96 per cent for non-commuters.

Overall satisfacti­on levels also varied across the country, from the 88 per cent of passengers who were very/fairly happy with their trip in the Highlands to 94 per cent in both the south-east and south-west of Scotland.

And while more than three quarters (76 per cent) of passengers in the south-east region thought their journey was good value for money, only 55 per cent of bus users in the Highlands felt the same.

The research was done by independen­t watchdog Transport Focus and included services run by several operators, including First Aberdeen, First Glasgow, Lothian Buses and Stagecoach.

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