The Scotsman

Cap prejudice


The president of Scotland’s leading gay and inclusive rugby club, Caledonian Thebans, has praised Grand Slam hero Scott Hastings for his interventi­on in the Israel Folau homophobia row.

The bullies are trying to shut down Christiani­ty, it won’t work.

Wee Jimmy Mchaggis

Christian bullies have tried very, very hard indeed to shut down homosexual people.

FP Brownsey

Too much is being made out of these comments. Instead of revelling in the fact that he has lost his livelihood because he said something that was offensive (to some), an open discussion should have been taking place. Preventing someone from saying something does not change their attitude or their minds. It more than likely makes their feelings even deeper.

Country Cousin

All religious nutters should be called out for their nonsense. The fact that this clown was a sporting hero gives more credence to his vile words. Let him keep his wicked comments to himself. The world has moved on and good thing too.

Gustav Gustavsson

He hasn’t been sacked yet, it’s going to a tribunal that will determine the outcome and his fate.

Just sayin like Everyone should be able to accept all others’ behaviour, hurt, violence and damage excepted, even if they don’t approve. Equally, and in parallel, everyone should be able to state their views openly without the fear of punishment from our ‘“touchy” PC society. This story shouldn’t even make the news.

Arty Farty

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