The Scotsman




It was reported that Cherie Blair, wife of former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair, voted for the Liberal Democrats at last week’s European elections. The news comes after former party spin doctor Alastair Campbell was expelled from the party for publicly voting for another party.

@Danielhewi­ttitv wrote: “I understand from a source close to Cherie Blair, the wife of former Prime Minister Tony Blair, that she voted for the Lib Dems in the European Elections and is “happy for it to be known”.”

@Joemurphyl­ondon said: “Cherie Blair voted Lib Dem in European elections... and she is – appalled” by the suspension of Alastair Campbell. A U-turn by Team Corbyn surely cannot be far off.”

@Cariad_54 quipped: “Good on her.”

@David__osland added: “If Cherie Blair voted Lib Dem, all I can do is congratula­te her on moving ever so slightly leftwards.”


Social media responded in typically humorous style when would-be Prime Minister Sajid Javid announced he would not allow Scotland to hold another independen­ce referendum if chosen as Conservati­ve Party leader. @jonsbaird said: “I’m thinking about having a pint later but I’m really nervous as I haven’t yet received permission from Sajid Javid.”

@HCIM90 tweeted: “Have landed in Nice but nobody’s getting off the plane because we don’t yet have permission from Javid. Gonna be ages before I get to the beach but can’t complain with such strong leadership.”

@Mhairiblac­k joked: “You sound if I head to bed Sajid Javid? Absolutely shattered.”

@Angusrober­tson posted a picture of his dogs, adding: “Dear Sajid Javid, Freyja and Marnie are desperate for a walk. Is it ok for me to take them out now?”


The former English queen and first wife of Henry VIII was trending on Twitter...but no one knows why.

@Togglejam posted: “So Catherine of Aragon is trending but I think it’s just because people are asking why she’s trending.”

@Maxpollard­92 joked: “When I saw Catherine of Aragon trending, I feared the worst. Thank God she’s still alive and well. Absolutely love her work.”

@greenapple­cos added: “So Catherine of Aragon is trending for some reason. On the day of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour’s wedding anniversar­y. I love this.”

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