The Scotsman

Police criticised over allowing suspects to self-identify gender

- By CHRIS MARSHALL Home Affairs Correspond­ent

Police Scotland has been criticised by women’s rights campaigner­s after the force was unable to say when it made a decision to allow criminal suspects to “self-identify” their gender.

Earlier this year it emerged those accused of a crime can self-declare their gender without providing any evidence.

But Police Scotland has been unable to confirm when that change was made, saying the policy “evolved” over time.

Academics have argued the intro duction of gender selfidenti­fication has significan­t implicatio­ns for the accuracy and reliabilit­y of crime statistics, amid claims a small number of transgende­r suspects could “skew” the data.

Police S cotland was asked u n d e r F r e e d o m o f I n f o r - ma t i o n l e g i s l a t i o n wh e n i t stopped recording incidents according to a p erson’s bio - logical sex and began recording according to self-identified gender.

A f o r c e s p o k e s w o m a n responded: “I can confirm that there was no ‘effective date’ for this process, rather it has evolved as best practice and ensures all people are treated fairly and with respect, in line with the Police Scotland Code of Ethics.

“With regards to victims, witnesses and susp ects, Police Scotland have always treated p eople as they present, and incidents are therefore recorded according to a person’s selfidenti­fied gender/sex.

“We require no evidence or certificat­ion as proof of gender identity other than a person’s self-declaratio­n, unless it is pertinent to any criminal investigat­ion with which they are linked and it is evidential­ly critical that we legally require this proof.”

In March, justice secretar y Humza Yousaf told MSPS that this was the case.

Kath Murray, a criminolog­ist who is part of policy analysis group Murray Blackburn Mackenzie, said: “The unregulate­d intro duction of gen - der self-identifica­tion principles in the S cottish criminal justice system has significan­t implicatio­ns for the accuracy of recorded crime data.

“We a r e a l s o c o n c e r n e d a b o u t m e d i a r e p o r t i n g o n o f f e n d i n g b e h av i o u r s t h a t have a clear sex-based pattern in the population.

“Males are disprop or tionately responsibl­e for violent and sexual crime, and being able to name the issue of male v i o l e nc e i s v i t a l , b o t h a t a n individual and a societal level.”

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