The Scotsman

Farage accepts president’s invite


US president Donald Trump has held a meeting with Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage during his state visit to the UK.

Mr Farage said the pair had a “good meeting” and the president “really believes in Brexit”.

The Brexit Party leader, a friend of the president, was photograph­ed being driven to Winfield House – the residence of the US ambassador in London – on the way to his meeting with Mr Trump.

Mr Farage said the president was “loving his trip to London”.

He said: “Clearly, it was a private meeting, but what I can say is he was in top form, he was ebullient.

“He absolutely believes in Brexit, thinks it’s the right thing for the country to do. He’s obviously concerned it’s taking a very long time.”

Mr Farage said he came away from the meeting with the impression the US was ready to do a post-brexit trade deal with the UK, but the UK government were unprepared. He said: “What was most interestin­g about the meeting was trade ... the Americans are very, very prepared for their side of the negotiatio­n.”

Ahead of the trip, Mr Trump said: “Nigel Farage is a friend of mine. Boris is a friend of mine.

“They are two very good guys, very interestin­g people.”

Yesterday’s meeting came as Mr Farage was summoned to attend an EU conduct committee to be questioned over gifts he received from Arron Banks.

The committee will decide whether Mr Farage broke any European parliament rules in failing to declare the rent on a Chelsea home and expenses for a trip to the United States in 2016, which Mr Banks paid for.

The Code of Conduct for MEPS requires them to declare gifts made to them “in the performanc­e of their duties”.

The meeting will take place at 5pm today in Brussels.

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