The Scotsman

No Trump meeting for Gove - but his kilt catches Melania’s eye

- paris.gourtsoyan­ By PARIS GOURTSOYAN­NIS Westminste­r Correspond­ent

Tory leadership hopeful Michael Gove has revealed he did not get a one-to-one meeting with Donald Trump during the US president’s state visit – but caught the eye of the First Lady while wearing a kilt to Buckingham Palace.

Mr Trump broke diplomatic precedent to intervene in the Conservati­ve leadership contest, holding a 20 minute phone conversati­on with Boris Johnson and endorsing him as someone who would do a “great job” as prime minister.

In a further snub to Theresa May, who did not have a oneto-one meeting with the president, Mr Trump also met Brexit Party leader Nigel Far age and leading Tor y Brexiteers Iain Duncan Smith and Owen Paterson.

But despite speculatio­n that Mr Gove would have a private audience, there were no talks between the two men.

Giving evidence to the Scottish affairs committee yest er day, the Environmen­t Secretary said that he“had the opportunit­y to say a few words” to Mr Trump while attending the state banquet for the US president on Monday.

The Edinburgh-born, Aberdeen-raised minister went on: “These occasions require people to wear evening dress and I had the opportunit­y to wear the kilt and my wife was talking to the First Lady who was very taken with that.

“I think the president may well be placing an order for a dress Gordon tartan. So that’s another example of asuccessfu­l trading arrangemen­t between the UK and the USA that we’ve brokered.”

With concern growing over the terms of a “phenomenal” post-brexit trade deal promised by the US president, Mr Gove told Scottish MPS he was “very confident” that British negotiator­s would hold their own in the face of tough American demands.

Mr Trump had said that NHS contracts would have to be part of any UK-US trade deal because “everything will be on the table”. But he later rowed back, saying that the NHS was “something that I would not consider part of trade”.

At PMQS, the SNP’S depu - ty Westminste­r leader Kirsty Blackman claimed the Scottish NHS was“under a growing threat from a Tory-trump Brexit trade deal”, adding that Tory ministers were “plotting to block the Scottish Government having any veto over such a damaging deal”.

That was dismissed by Cabinet Office minister David Lidington, who told MPS: “When it comes to trade negotiatio­ns, the NHS is not and will not be up for sale.”

 ??  ?? 0 Michael Gove with the First Lady’s press secretary Stephanie Grisham at the state banquet
0 Michael Gove with the First Lady’s press secretary Stephanie Grisham at the state banquet

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