The Scotsman

A settled status

● The Government is facing a major challenge to reach all EU citizens who want to stay after Brexit

- Piotr Teodorowsk­i

Far more needs done to reach those planning to stay in the UK

Recent statistics published by the Home Office show that more than 30 per cent of EU citizens living in the UK have registered on the EU Settlement Scheme.

While this is encouragin­g, the reality is that reaching all potential registrees by 31 December, 2020, in the case of a hard Brexit, or by 30 June, 2021, if the UK Parliament supports the Withdrawal Agreement, is challengin­g.

Similar registrati­on schemes around the world show that it is almost impossible to reach 100 per cent coverage, or even get close, without significan­t financial investment.

These statistics also identify registrati­on disparitie­s between nationalit­ies. To date, 179,800 Polish and 141,200 Romanians have registered. In 2018, the Office for National Statistics estimated (based on overseas-born population) that there were 832,000 Polish and 392,000 Romanian residents in the UK.

This means that proportion­ately more Romanian citizens have registered than those who are Polish. It needs to be investigat­ed why some nationalit­ies responded better to settled status than others. If there are any systemic barriers, they need to be tackled as soon as possible.

Discussion­s are ongoing as to how vulnerable groups of EU citizens, such as older people, victims of modern slavery or domestic violence, are disadvanta­ged in applying for settled status.

The policy group British Future argues that if 5 per cent of EU citizens don’t

register, this will be around 175,000 people, and it may lead to a repeat of the Windrush scandal. In such a scenario, EU citizens could be denied access to the NHS and other public services.

The UK Government states that it supports EU citizens’ right to remain in the UK but has not clarified what will happen to those who miss the deadline or decide not to apply for settled status. Large numbers of unregister­ed EU citizens in the UK will be problemati­c for the NHS.

For staff working in the NHS, charging EU citizens will be profession­ally challengin­g in a system which values free care at the point of need. If, for example, 10 per cent of EU citizens do not register, this is about 350,000 people – more than the population of Newcastle. Uncertaint­y exists not only for EU citizens but also public bodies as they prepare for exiting the EU.

Researcher­s at Robert Gordon University (RGU) recently studied the impact of Brexit on the mental health and wellbeing of EU citizens.

Participan­ts shared stories of themselves or their friends and family members struggling with the settled status applicatio­n. For example, despite residing in the UK for over five years, people were offered only pre-settled status. These experience­s made participan­ts anxious about their future and negatively impacted their mental health.

Some of the participan­ts decided not to apply for settled status as they preferred to wait for the outcome of Brexit and many hope that Brexit will not happen.

Those who haven’t applied feel like they are living in limbo. The results of the Brexit referendum shifted EU citizens’ perception of belonging in the UK. Our participan­ts described their local community as home, but the result of the vote made them feel rejected as the Leave campaign focused on migration levels in the UK.

EU citizens also felt disenfranc­hised as the referendum was a life-changing vote, but the majority of them were not allowed to vote. This rejection made them feel different. Thus, asking EU citizens to register for settled status or, as some of the participan­ts pointed out, to “apply” for the right to stay in their home, is a challengin­g task.

EU citizens are a diverse group – they represent 27 nationalit­ies, all age groups and are employed in a range of occupation­s. As such, they have diverse views on how to respond to settled status.

Some participan­ts indicated they had already registered or planned to register in the future. Others were waiting to see what happens and some noted they were not planning on applying at all. Some of this disparity can be explained by the findings from RGU’S study in which participan­ts described Brexit as a sad, traumatic event and likened the feelings they experience­d to grief and mourning.

Mixed and fluctuatin­g feelings of denial, sadness and acceptance of what was happening was reported by participan­ts. Brexit is still ongoing and its outcome remains uncertain; so EU citizens keep reliving and re-experienci­ng these feelings. However, clarity on Brexit is only a part of the solution, and fundamenta­lly more work needs to be done to rebuild trust with EU citizens.

Based on RGU’S research findings, if the UK wants to send the message to EU citizens that “they are welcome to stay here and be a part of the community”, then the country needs to invest more resources into the settled scheme and support organisati­ons which are improving the social cohesion and integratio­n of diverse communitie­s.

Integratio­n does not equal assimilati­on and any activation activities need to bring together EU and British citizens.

The Home Office has already provided £9 million to charities supporting EU citizens to assist with the registrati­on process. However, more funding is needed to cover outreach work until the last registrati­on day and to bring communitie­s together.

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 ??  ?? 0 Demonstrat­ors create a human chain along Whitehall last year to call on the Government to clarify the position of EU nationals in the UK
0 Demonstrat­ors create a human chain along Whitehall last year to call on the Government to clarify the position of EU nationals in the UK
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