The Scotsman

Leave it out


Edinburgh communitie­s are being asked by the city council to help clear leaves from the capital’s streets.

Everybody benefits from the presence of properly maintained trees in private gardens, they add to the urban/suburban environmen­t. But yes I would agree that home owners should make an effort to keep the public space around their property clean.

Adrian Lawton

Many years ago it was considered the home owners job and you bagged the leaves, stashed them behind the shed, and got lovely compost a couple of years down the line.

Lindsey Fyfe

Why argue about this? Where is our desire to be of help to those around us? It’s good to cultivate a generous mind.

Jean Bain

Well that’s some cheek of the council. Don’t forget folks to NOT sweep up any leaves fallen from public trees as presumably the council will clear those up. Does this mean that folk in flats etc with no trees should get a discount on their council tax?

Selina Laurie

If it’s from your tree or bush then you should be clearing it up (or paying someone else privately to do so). Not rocket science.

Mary Reid

In Belgium and France the house occupant is responsibl­e for keeping the pavement and gutters clear of rubbish and leaves. The occupant of the house is considered liable if a pedestrian falls and hurts themselves. We do it automatica­lly as a civic duty and of course not risk being responsibl­e for injury. Household insurance covers this. That is why you often see women sweeping but

just to their limit of property, shaming those who don’t It’s not really a hassle and it makes coming home more pleasant

Denise Level

I have no issue with people clearing pavements outside their house voluntaril­y. Used to be common practice. What I do have an issue with is the council telling people to do it, especially given garden waste charges.

Mazi Ali

Ah, remember the days when we had road sweepers with their cart going around the city’s streets? All the roads and streets were so much cleaner then, now they are all filthy with weeds and leaves.

But I guess wasting money on huge vanity projects and widening pavements is more a priority then keeping our beautiful city clean.

Michael Widdowson

Why don’t they just fill the potholes with the leaves? That would just be temporary, like a lot of the repairs they are doing.

Helen Lee-keenan

Dear Cllr Macinnes, I used to clear up leaves and put them in the brown bin for you to collect. Sadly a couple of years ago I realised this was not actually a statutory service, so now I don’t bother. Send me £25 and I may reconsider.

Alan Brown

Probably just as well Edinburgh doesn’t have any wind, or these leaves might blow anywhere.

Colin Gasman Mackay

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