The Scotsman

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reconcilia­tion afterwards, which neither Salmond nor Sturgeon attended), that is why we don’t want another referendum. We know when the SNP lose again they will call another and another until they get the answer they want. It destroys trust and prevents proper governance.

Dave Smith

Of course they didn’t attend the service of reconcilia­tion. Doing so would have indicated acceptance of the result of the 2014 referendum. “If the SNP wins a majority of Scottish seats in next month’s vote, then electoral mandates for another referendum will have been provided by successive Scottish and UK general elections.” An election is to decide who will govern the country. It can’t be hijacked for other purposes.

Worldwide Football Fan

Let’s just have one on the third Thursday of every month until there is a Yes, then it will be the settled will of the Scottish people forever and we’ll never need another.


I received an election leaflet from the SNP this morning. It states 74 per cent voted to remain in the EU. It didn,’t state that 64 per cent voted to Remain in the UK. Therein lies the SNP problem. I should also add that the leaflet did not mention Indyref2 or Sturgeon even once. Are they trying to hide something, or someone.

Colain Gurteson

It is utterly disingenuo­us of C Hegarty to try to pretend that Salmond’s “once in a generation” was just a oneoff throwaway remark. It was repeated numerous times by Sturgeon and appears in writing at least twice in the infamous White Paper. The people of Scotland made their wishes very clear in 2014 and there is no evidence that they have changed their minds. The only people actually demanding another referendum are a small number of sore losers.

Reality Demands to be Heard

I’ve no problem with indyref2 as long as the SNP and their supporters pay for it instead of my tax money. However, as the SNP are skint and need taxpayers’ money to stay afloat, somehow I don’t think this will happen.

Shenghis Mckhan

You can claim it is the opinion of one man and one woman if they were only to have uttered these words in interviews or at rallies. Once you put it in the White Paper, the official argument for independen­ce, then it becomes the official line. A White Paper is no place for opinions. If that is “only an opinion”, what else in the White Paper is “only opinions”? And since that was the official case for independen­ce and on which we were being asked to base our vote, it cannot just be Salmond’s opinion.


While some traditiona­l Conservati­ves who are opposed to Brexit and unenthusia­stic about Boris Johnson are swithering about which party to support, the Scottish Tories are benefiting from tactical voting by Unionists, wrote Murdo

Fraser in The Scotsman.

A propoganda piece but not far off the mark. There will be a lot of tactical voting in this election, mostly with people looking to unseat the SNP.


For 20-plus years I have voted for the SNP, but under Nicola I find I can no longer vote for her dictatorsh­ip; I refer you to the Andrew Neil interview in which she refers to her making the decisions, not the party. So, one vote lost, still not sure who to vote for.

Gavin Beattie

A good pep talk. It works on the assumption motivation to vote is equal. Nationalis­ts will turn out in force but will the scunnered others do so with the same energy?

savispud S

If the Tories win Scotland I will paint the side of my house with a Union Flag and quit my job to take up full -time cricket. It’s not gonna happen.

Handsome Scotsman

 ??  ?? 0 Golfers waiting at the Starter’s Hut at North Berwick West Links perhaps wonder if they’re going to find a pot of gold in this picture from Douglas Shiell of North Berwick
0 Golfers waiting at the Starter’s Hut at North Berwick West Links perhaps wonder if they’re going to find a pot of gold in this picture from Douglas Shiell of North Berwick

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