The Scotsman

Adventurer to get festive surprise on Pole trek


At more than half way to the South Pole, adventurer Mollie Hughes expects her Christmas dinner to be freeze-dried spaghetti bolognese - but she is in for a surprise.

The 29-year-old, who is attempting to become the youngest woman to ski alone to the South Pole, is unaware of treats sneaked in her food cache.

The mountainee­r, who lives in Edinburgh, said: “I will be between 86 degrees south and 87 degrees south on Christmas Day. I hope to cross my 400 nautical mile mark, two thirds of the way to the South Pole. I am going to pick out my fave freeze-dried meal for the day, probably spaghetti bolognese, while I will be dreaming of turkey and roast potatoes.

“I have a few cards to open from my family and a small present from my girlfriend. I told her it has to be edible, so fingers crossed for chocolate.”

However, unknown to Hughes, logistics company ALE hid secret gifts in her food stores, meaning she can feast on pad thai, chocolate cake, fresh bread rolls, grapes, kiwi and nectarine for Christmas dinner. And her girlfriend Tegan has sent not only Ms Hughes’ favourite sweets - Revels - but also her own top treat of chocolate covered pretzels as well as a bar of honeycomb chocolate with a picture of Edinburgh on the front.

Describing her Christmas plans, Hughes said: “I think I might give myself a small lie in on Christmas Day ... maybe start skiing a couple of hours later. Treat myself!

“I will spend it skiing and pulling my very heavy sled, which I have called Boudicca. I have a sat-phone so I will ring my family and my girlfriend.”

 ??  ?? 0 Mollie Hughes was left pad thai and cake as a treat
0 Mollie Hughes was left pad thai and cake as a treat

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