The Scotsman

Second poll boost for independen­ce campaign – but one in ten undecided


A new opinion poll on voting intention in a second Scottish independen­ce referendum has both the “yes” and “no” camps on 50 per cent each.

The Survation poll, carried out on behalf of Progress Scotland, the pro-independen­ce think tank, also gives the SNP a majority in next year’s Holyrood elections.

The new poll comes just a week after a Yougov survey saw “yes” inch into a slight lead on 51 per cent, with many Remain voters in the EU referendum switching from “no” to back independen­ce as a result of Brexit.

However it also found that one in ten were undecided on how they would vote in a new referendum, and just over 4 per cent said they wouldn’t vote at all.

Carried out nine days before Brexit, the poll of 1,019 people aged 16 and over, was conducted through an invited online panel. It found that 44.37 per cent would vote “yes” in a referendum, with 43.76 per cent voting no, but when the undecideds were excluded, both sides were neck and neck.

SNP depute leader Keith Brown said the poll was “fantastic” for the “Yes movement” adding that “momentum” was behind independen­ce. “Scotland has been dragged out of the EU against our will by a

Tory government and Prime Minister that we didn’t vote for – and who are undemocrat­ically trying to block the people of Scotland having their say in a referendum,” he said.

However Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said the poll showed how many were still undecided.

“With one in ten Scots undecided, this poll is a reminder to those of us who believe in solidarity and oppose division that we must continue to make the positive case for remaining in the UK every day,” she said.

On people’s voting intention in the 2021 Holyrood election, the poll put the SNP on 51 per cent, the Conservati­ves on 23 per cent, Labour 17 per cent, and the Liberal Democrats on 7 per cent in the constituen­cy vote; and in the regional list, the SNP won 38 per cent, Conservati­ves 21 per cent, Labour 19 per cent, Scottish Greens and Liberal Democrats on 9 per cent each.

 ??  ?? 0 Keith Brown says the poll is fantastic for the yes side
0 Keith Brown says the poll is fantastic for the yes side

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