The Scotsman

Briton who fell ill on China flight ‘fine’ after isolation

● Man treated after feeling unwell on evacuation flight from Wuhan


One of the Britons who returned from coronaviru­shit China on Sunday has said he now feels “fine” after a cough and sore throat led to him being put in isolation.

Anthony May-smith is being cared for in Oxford after feeling unwell as he made his way back to England.

He travelled on the second evacuation flight carrying 11 British nationals from Wuhan to France before continuing his journey to RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshir­e.

Mr May-smith said he had had “a bit of a cough and a sore throat” in China and was put in a quarantine area with about 30 others on the initial flight from Wuhan to France.

He said: “We went through a load of checks at the airport in Wuhan. I had a bit of a cough and a sore throat there.

“Then there was 30 of us on that flight to France that were put in a quarantine section on the flight.

“When we boarded the plane in France to come to the UK, the nurse asked if any of us had had any sort of symptoms in China.

“I made myself known to her and she told me to sit away from anybody else on the flight.

“There were people with babies on the flight and I obviously just didn’t want to be anywhere near them, just in case.

“I feel fine now. I think it’s probably the stress of getting back and being run down more than anything.

“I’m waiting for the test results to come back tomorrow.” Last week ministers said passengers would be screened before boarding a flight to the UK and would not be allowed to get on if they showed signs of coronaviru­s.

Mr May-smith said it was “a little bit daunting” when medics entered his room as they wore a face mask, were “all covered up, [have] four pairs of gloves and wellington­s”.

The other ten British nationals continued their journey to join 83 other people in isolation at Arrowe Park Hospital on the Wirral.

All those who have returned from Hubei province in China are being quarantine­d in staff accommodat­ion blocks on the site.

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said: “During the most recent repa


triation flight, one passenger developed mild, cold-like symptoms.

“Following the agreed protocol, this individual was further separated from others on the flight and after landing was taken by ambulance to a specialist NHS facility for further assessment.”

In a statement to the Commons yesterday, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the virus would be around for several months yet.

Mr Hancock said: “The number of cases is doubling every five days and it’s likely that the virus will be with us for at least some months to come.

“This is a marathon, not a sprint.”

 ??  ?? 0 Britons are transporte­d for treatment from RAF Brize Norton
0 Britons are transporte­d for treatment from RAF Brize Norton

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