The Scotsman

Messages between Derek Mackay (DM) and 16-year-old school pupil (boy)



2 AUGUST, 2019, 8:18

DM: “Hey”

3 AUGUST, 7:31

Boy: “Hey”

3 AUGUST, 8:58

DM: “How are you” Boy: No bad, u?”

DM: “Good yeah”

Boy: “Cool”

DM: “I’m not sure how you came up on my timeline lol” DM: “But nice to chat”

(Boys claims DM asked for his mobile number, but message was deleted)

Boy: “My what?”

Boy: “Why do u want it?” DM: “It’s cool”

DM: “Where do you stay” Boy: “( )Glasgow”

DM: “Cool”

Boy: “Are you not a politician?”

DM: “Aye”


DM: “Do you follow scottish rugby nations”

Boy: “Yeah”

DM: “I think BT may be asking me to the rugby” DM: “Where do you stay” Boy: “()

DM: “We have a rugby club in Bishopton too”

DM: “That’s where I live” Boy: “Aw cool, ( )

DM: “Although you might have to explain the rules of rugby to me before I go lol” Boy: “It’s really hard to explain it by text, it’s a lot easier to explain it while watching a game.”

DM: “Is that an invite lol” Boy: “Don’t have the money for that”

DM: I could take you?” Boy: “Wouldn’t mind that” DM: “What’s your mobile” DM: “Do you work?” Boy: “No, I’m too busy with rugby and school”

DM: “Ah”

Boy (claims DM revealed he was gay, message deleted by DM)

Boy: “As long as your not trying anything with me I don’t mind you being gay” DM: “Perfect”

DM: “What age are you btw?”

Boy: “16”

DM: “Oh right”

9 OCTOBER, 22:51

DM: “Long day in parliament”

DM: “You are welcome to come through sometime” DM: “If you ever feel like helping”

Boy: “Helping?”

DM: “I have material to deliver”

DM: “Any day suits you?” Boy: “I don’t know yet I’ll have to ask my mum tomorrow”

17 OCTOBER, 17:44

(DM arranges to collect boy at Bishopton train station the following day to deliver election leaflet)

DM: “When do you need to be back home”

Boy: “Before 8 would be great”

DM: “Unless you wanted to stay for dinner lol”

Boy: “Nah I’m fine. My mum would get worried”

(the boy has later said he made an excuse not to go, his message is below)

18 OCTOBER, 11:07

Boy: “I won’t be able to make it today, my little brother split his head open and I’m in the hospital with him”

27 NOVEMBER, 19:02

DM: “Would you want to go to a rugby reception in the Scottish Parliament?” Boy: “What is it?”

DM: “I think the Scottish Rugby Union host a reception and some of the players are meant to come along?”

30 NOVEMBER, 12:58

DM: “Are you still looking to do some leaflet delivery btw”

Boy: “I’m really busy nowadays so I don’t really have the time to do it” 13 DECEMBER, 15:25

DM: “As I say if you ever want to visit parliament etc let me know”

DM: “Could you get the train to Edinburgh, I will cover your costs etc”

25 DECEMBER, 16:53

DM: “Merry Christmas” Boy: “Merry Christmas” DM: “Have a nice time” Boy: “Will do”

DM: “When are you back?” Boy: “7th of January” DM: “Nice new haircut btw” Boy: “Thank you”

25 DECEMBER 23:24

DM: “You still up”

27 DECEMBER, 00.03

DM: You are looking good with that new haircut” DM: “And our chats are between us?”

Boy: Yeahh”

DM: “Cool, to be honest I think you are really cute” DM: “Is that ok?”

DM: “Just as long as you know, but you can delete that message lol”

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