The Scotsman

No fooling us


As the dust settles on the Alex Salmond trial with a result that has clearly disappoint­ed those who thought the case would bring about the demise of the SNP, it is interestin­g to note that those who oppose self-determinat­ion for Scotland appear to be desperatel­y clutching at the final straw symbolisin­g the survival of their long dysfunctio­nal Union.

Of course, the ”old guard’ of the SNP leadership are as vocal as ever, and in this personal watershed moment for their ex-leader it is no surprise that Alex Neil and Kenny Macaskill appear to be vying to succeed Jim Sillars as the go-to independen­ce person for media reporters who seem keen to represent the current situation within the SNP as the “major split” about which besotted unionists dream.

While some misguidedl­y claim that essentiall­y because Westminste­r has significan­tly more borrowing powers (two trillion pounds debt and rising) than Holyrood, this is evidence of a substantia­l benefit of Scotland remaining in the UK, more perspicaci­ous observers realise we are fortunate in Scotland to have a government led by one of the most able politician­s of our time; one with the resolute integrity to ensure that due process was followed in circumstan­ces that undoubtedl­y, if they had arisen with any other major political party in government in the UK, would not have brought about such a rigorous conclusion (as repeatedly evidenced in the past). In stark contrast the arrogant Etonian who leads the UK will no doubt bumble on for a while yet and further distance himself from reality, as well as from the general public, but the electorate of Scotland will not be fooled. STAN GRODYNSKI

Cairnsmore Longniddry, East Lothian

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