The Scotsman

Names of scientific advisers are published to boost transparen­cy


The UK government has bowed to pressure for greater transparen­cy around the scientific advice on coronaviru­s and published a partial list of experts that help shape policy on the outbreak.

The names of all but two of the 50 academics and public health experts who form the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencie­s (Sage) were released yesterday. Two participan­ts did not give permission to be named.

It follows concerns over claims of a lack of independen­ce in the government’s scientific advice, and the presence of Boris Johnson’s top adviser Dominic Cummings in meetings.

Transparen­cy concerns had prompted former government chief scientific adviser Sir David King to convene a separate “independen­t” panel of experts who met on Monday.

Four academics at Scottish universiti­es participat­e in Sage: University of St Andrews zoologist Professor Sir Ian Boyd; University of Edinburgh Chair of Medicine Professor Andrew Morris; University of Edinburgh Professor of Molecular Evolution Andrew Rambaut; and University of Edinburgh Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiolo­gy Mark Woolhouse.

The list was previously not published on the advice of security officials after some Sage members whose names were in the public domain received death threats.

Science and technology committee chairman Greg Clark welcomed publicatio­n of the list, which came alongside an “explainer” of Sage’s role.

“This was something my committee called for in order to provide public reassuranc­e that government decisions are informed by a broad and substantia­l body of expert advice,” the Conservati­ve MP said.

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