The Scotsman

Inside Environmen­t

Don’t miss your chance to shape Scotland’s future, writes Dr Richard Dixon


Adecade ago, a planning applicatio­n was submitted for a large coal-fired power station at Hunterston in Ayrshire. The area already had a nuclear power station and the new proposal would take advantage of the deep-water import terminal to bring in coal from anywhere in the world.

Many local people and those concerned about climate change were appalled about the idea of a new fossil-fuelled power station. Around 14,000 people objected to the applicatio­n.

An amended applicatio­n attracted 22,000 objections and plans were drawn up for a Public Local Inquiry. The Government reporters for the inquiry held two sessions for the public ahead of the formal ones, with several hundred people turning up.

The tide was turning against fossil fuels, with the only other coal-fired power station applicatio­n in the UK, at Kingsnorth in Kent, being shelved in 2009. Seeing the weight of public opinion and following a change from support to opposition by North Ayrshire Council, the developers pulled the plug in June 2012, just before the inquiry was due to get under way.

One of the big surprises for the local campaigner­s was that they would not be able to challenge the need for a new power station. They could talk about how high the fence was supposed to be, what colour the chimney was painted and how it might affect traffic. But they could not point out that the 2009 Climate Act required us to reduce emissions, that Scottish electricit­y demand was actually falling or that there was a very rapid growth in renewable electricit­y. They could not express their concern that the coal might come from mines with terrible condition for miners.

The inquiry would be restricted to ‘local’ issues because the idea of a new power station at Hunterston was already deemed a strategic priority. And that’s because it was in the current National Planning Framework, the Government document that sets out, among other things, infrastruc­ture plans of national importance.

Many times local objectors have found they have an uphill struggle to oppose a developmen­t near them because that field is designated in the local council’s plan for housing, or that bit of countrysid­e is in the National Planning Framework for a motorway. People mostly only hear about a proposed developmen­t near them when it comes in as a planning applicatio­n but the time to really try to stop something objectiona­ble might well have been several years earlier, when one of these strategic planning documents was being put together.

The Scottish Government has begun the process of creating the next National Planning Framework, with a deadline last week for the first set of public inputs.

Key difference­s this time are that the new framework will cover policies and priorities for ten years, up from the five years of previous versions, and the whole thing will be subject to a vote in Parliament, after next year’s Scottish election. The framework is a key document in shaping our nation and it can be full of things which help deliver a low-carbon Scotland or it can perpetuate our current high-carbon ways. One of the developmen­ts which will be trying to get in will be another power station at Hunterston, this time a gas-fired one. One positive is it will probably exclude fracking applicatio­ns.

If you care about the future you should look at the proposals when they emerge later this year, to support the good things but oppose the bad, because waiting until a planning applicatio­n comes in is likely to be much too late.

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