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face covering, yet they’re at greatest risk! You can lead a horse to water . . .

Ken Johnston

Am I the only person today that doesn’t have ‘health’ condition that stops me from having to wear one? It would seem so! Seems a lot of people on the 21 bus today have an issue that allows them to go without!

Dionne Anderson

I was on the bus on my way to work this morning and there were quite a few rule breakers, but the driver said nothing to them. If I was in the driver’s position I am not sure if I would have said anything either, as I do not feel they should be policing this. People should have common sense and think about everyone’s safety not just their own. You know who you are (the non-maskwearin­g travellers) so stop being selfish and get with the programme.

Lavinia Lewis I don’t understand why drivers can’t refuse anyone not wearing a mask to board. Surely they are protecting themselves and the passengers? Everyone has a responsibi­lity apart from the exemptions – to me it’s like someone steaming drunk being allowed in to a pub by the doormen and then it’s left to the bar staff to deal with. No mask, you’re no’ gettin’ on. I know it’s not the driver’s fault, I just don’t understand the reasoning.

Fi Liddle I have a 45-minute bus journey to work and back, five days a week and have been wearing a face covering for the last four-five weeks. Please use common sense and do the same unless you have a genuine reason not to. You get used to it and are helping everyone; and please, no abusing the drivers, it is not nice.

Steve Pattison

No mask, no getting on the bus, simple as that. I have bad asthma but I will be wearing one – not for my protection, it’s for others. So I don’t see why others can’t do the same.

Adam Drape

I don’t really believe masks do much, but it also shows some respect to other passengers. I also suffer breathing problems but wear the mask as much as possible, occasional­ly dropping it to breathe better, covering up as much as possible. But at least not entering public places without a mask that costs cents.

Douglas Telfer We’ve had long enough to prepare for today and get our face coverings ready, so no excuse for not being prepared. Some people have legit health reasons for not wearing, but the rest of us should stop moaning and mask up.

Audrey Swistchew It’s not fair to expect drivers to interfere. Without them there would be no transport. In other words, please yourself, do or don’t. Like all the other rules that have come about. There are those selfish ones who couldn’t give a toss if they’re spreading the virus or not!

Helen Mckay Would it not be a good idea for the buses to have face masks for sale for those customers who don’t have one?

Cath Crosbie

Scots are going to have to learn to live with Covid-19, according to Scotland’s national clinical director Professor Jason Leitch.

There are penty of things that could kill you. Doesn’t mean we should all hide away and hope it disappears..

Kevin Somerville

We aren’t. We are coming out of lockdown after slowing down the spread and trying to control the virus

Willie Anderson

This is exactly what most people have been saying for months. Get on with it. Do the best to protect yourself but get on with living. Get everyone working again. The economy needs to move..

Lucy Chmbers

Spot on. Stay safe, keep safe .I get it – do others though?

Margaret Mckay

Mandatory face masks indoors would be a good start.

Stefano Carmagnini

 ??  ?? 0 Scotsman reader Charlie Blackwell took this stunning picture of the summer solstice sunset at Cramond.
0 Scotsman reader Charlie Blackwell took this stunning picture of the summer solstice sunset at Cramond.

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